Moonofglass is an etsy shop run by Elizabeth from Tennessee. She creates fused glass jewelry and home decor. She was kind enough to answer a couple questions about her Etsy shop and how she got started on Etsy.

How long have you been making your craft/art that you sell? What started your interest in it? How did you learn?
I started working with glass doing mosaics and stained glass about four years ago. About a year ago, I finally decided to take the plunge and buy a small kiln. I've been fusing since then, and invested in a larger kiln at the beginning of last year. I actually started working with glass because someone suggested that I needed a hobby. I never realized how addictive it would be! I'm entirely self-taught. I've learned a lot from books and the Internet, as well as just experimenting on my own.
What made you decide to turn your art/craft into a business? What support or inspiration have you had along the way?
I haven't had a single job that I could see myself doing for the rest of my life. Art is the only thing that's ever been consistently in my life. Usually, I do something hardcore for about six months before I get tired of it. Art, though, is something I never have been able to take a break from.
A few friends of mine suggested that I try to sell my stuff. So I gave it a shot, and started selling locally. When I began selling, I realized that this was a lot more fun than my day job, and something I could do forever, so I started building my business. One day, I hope to be a full time artist!
Do you have any other hobbies / interests?
A ton! I'm an avid reader, I have a penchant for musical theatre, and I love hiking and backpacking. You'll also find me with a video game controller in my hand from time to time. Playing video games are a great stress reliever for me!

How long have you been selling on Etsy? Do you sell full or part time?
I've not been on Etsy for every long. I opened up shop on October 30, 2008. I'm only part time now, selling just enough to keep me in supplies. :)
Do you sell outside of Etsy? If so where?
Do you sell outside of Etsy? If so where?
I have a few regular local customers, and I've done a couple of craft shows. I'm working on getting my work in local stores.
What is your favorite way to promote your Etsy store?
What is your favorite way to promote your Etsy store?
My favorite is the Etsy forums. :) This isn't always as productive as other methods, but it does give interesting results! I also use Flickr and rely heavily on hits from Project Wonderful.
Do you have a blog? If so what is your blog address, and what do you feature / write about?
I do blog, mostly about my shop and business goals, and sometimes I review advertising ventures. The address is http://moonofglass.blogspot.com/.
Where do you hope to see your business / Etsy store in the future? Eventually, I would like to be a full time artist. I think Etsy will be a significant chunk of my revenue. I'd like to be making at least ten thousand dollars a year from Etsy sales sometime within the next few years.
What is something that you want to make SURE you do in 2009?
I would really like to get my work featured in a gallery.
What is the thing that you are most proud of?
Handling the business myself. I have some health problems that make consistency difficult for me in most things, but my business is something that will always have my attention, no matter what.
What do you wish you had more time for?
Experimentation. Since I'm working full time too, I only have the weekends to really "play" with my glass. During the week, I have planned things that go in my kiln each night, so I don't get as much time to do the artistic work then.
What is your favorite part of the day?
What is your favorite part of the day?
Evenings. Once I get home from the commute, I get to play with my dog, then get to work in my studio.
Please go check out her lovely shop www.moonofglass.etsy.com and tell her that Mrsfatface sent you!
Please go check out her lovely shop www.moonofglass.etsy.com and tell her that Mrsfatface sent you!
Thank you for such a lovely feature! :)
Very nice feature!
Very nicely done.
Very lovely feature!! I enjoyed the interview. Very lovely items too!
Here's wishing you a very merry happy LOVE day and a merry wonderful LOVE weekend! Lots of LOVE to you and yours!
Excellent feature, fabulous fused glass! :) Thanks for sharing!
Nice selection of those jewelry pieces...
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